
~ Growth & Wellness

If we were to distill the essence of his wisdom in a few lines, it would be just this. Up and down, good and bad, sacred and profane: these are all assumed. But inward and outward: this is the one context we are sure of, the one context we can work with.

~ Growth & Wellness

When death comes knocking, all of a sudden, you will find this body does not mean anything. All your qualifications will not mean anything. Your husband, wife and children will not mean anything. Your fancy clothes will not mean anything. You will be hopeless. Like a vulture, I will wait for that moment, because, then, you will become willing. But if you are intelligent, if you have any sense in you, you will create that willingness right now.

~ Growth & Wellness

There is really no such thing as conditional love and unconditional love. There are conditions and there is love. When you talk about love, it has to be unconditional. The moment there is a condition, it just amounts to a transaction.

~ Growth & Wellness

Giving up something for something else is commerce; giving up something for nothing is a sacrifice.

~ Growth & Wellness

Mastication involves grinding and then thoroughly mixing the food with the saliva; hence the design modification in the jaw. If mastication happens properly, close to fifty percent of your digestive process would be finished in the mouth. In other words, the stomach region is expecting partially digested food to efficiently complete the process. In modern life, people are in such a hurry that we gulp our rush-hour lunches without the food being properly masticated. The stomach is burdened not only with undigested food, but also with partially destroyed food. Today’s kitchens have largely become places where food is efficiently destroyed.

~ Growth & Wellness

When I say “you,” it is you, not this carpet, not this wall, not your child, not something else. When I say “you,” it’s just you. If it shifts to this, you can rewrite your destiny whichever way you want. Right now, what is “you” is spread out; you are not an established being, you are a scattered being. You still have to gather all this mess and put it inside. Then it becomes you. You still have not become you; you are a crowd, isn’t it? The crowd’s destiny is always predestined. Once you become an individual – the word “individual” comes from a root word meaning “indivisible” – it cannot be divided anymore; it is this. It cannot be here and there. Once you become a true individual, your destiny is yours. I want you to understand this.