Growth & Wellness

~ Growth & Wellness

If one has mastery over one’s vyana, one can leave one’s body at will.

~ Growth & Wellness

You have pursued so much for your well-being: your home, your business, your car, your spouse, your child, your club membership. But look back now and see: have you caught the fish, or has the fish caught you?

~ Growth & Wellness

your energies are dominant in muladhara, then food and sleep will be the most dominant factors in your life. If your energies are dominant in swadhishthana, pleasure will be most dominant in your life; this means you enjoy your physical reality in many ways. If your energies are dominant in manipuraka, you are a doer; you can accomplish many things in the world. If your energies are dominant in anahata, you are a very creative person. If your energies are dominant in vishuddhi, you will develop a powerful presence. If your energies are dominant in agna, then you are intellectually realized. Intellectual realization can bring you to a certain state of peace and stability within yourself, irrespective of what is happening outside of you. These

~ Growth & Wellness

Life can be tasted and transcended only when there is a distinction between the psychological and the existential.

~ Growth & Wellness

नरक में जहाँ हिटलर को यातना दी जा रही थी, आइज़न हॉवर को वहाँ ले जाया गया। वहाँ पर गंदगियों से भरी एक टोकरी थी, जो दो आदमियों की ऊँचाई के बराबर लंबी थी। उसी में हिटलर धँसाया गया था। टोकरी के बाहर दिख रहे उसके चेहरे पर चौड़ी मुस्कान थी। यह देखकर आइज़न हॉवर को अचंभा हुआ। ‘‘असहनीय बदबू में, घिनौनी गंदगी में धँसाने के बावजूद क्या सोच कर तुम इस तरह बेशर्मी के साथ हँस रहे हो?’’ आइज़न हॉवर ने हिटलर से पूछा। ‘‘पता है? मेरे ठीक नीचे फँसा आदमी कौन है, वह है मुसोलिनी। उसी के कंधों पर मैं खड़ा हूँ। उसकी दुर्दशा के बारे में सोचकर देखो तो’’ कहते हुए हिटलर कहकहे लगाने लगा।

~ Growth & Wellness

The surya namaskar is essentially about building a dimension within you where your physical bodily cycles are in sync with the sun’s cycles, which run about twelve and a quarter years. It is not by accident but by intent that it has been structured with twelve postures. If your system is in a certain level of vibrancy and readiness, and in a high state of receptivity, then naturally your cycle will be in sync with the solar cycle. Young