Growth & Wellness

~ Growth & Wellness

Karma cannot be distributed democratically.

~ Growth & Wellness

Balance, above all. Balance in Life. If you are mentally, physically, and emotionally balanced, you can do everything to the best of your ability.

~ Growth & Wellness

Another thing is that one should not cook or eat near a dead body. The very nature of food will draw that energy in that direction. So if you are cooking or eating near a dead body where the life energies are still exiting, you will be eating your own relative in some way. This may sound very extreme, but it is so because food will draw these energies. This is why, traditionally, people don’t cook in the house where death has occurred for a period of fourteen days. People bring food from outside, for the people there. But it is not good to eat there either.

~ Growth & Wellness

Velliangiri” literally means “silver mountain,

~ Growth & Wellness

But you won’t ever see me distressed because my way of being is not in any way enslaved to what’s happening outside. This is not an otherworldly achievement. It is possible for everyone to live this way.

~ Growth & Wellness

विश्व की सारी घटनाएँ परस्पर अंतःक्रिया के परिणाम हैं। जैसे भी हो, आप जवाब असीम होकर ही देते है! उसे इच्छापूर्वक निभाना है या इच्छा के विना निभाना है, इसी का चयन करना आपके हाथ में है।